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Switzerland / Morocco
Zimmermann & de Perrot
Chouf Oufchouf
interpreted by the Groupe acrobatique de Tanger
Choreographer Martin Zimmermann and sound expert Dimitri de Perrot are in no need of an introduction. Their unique stage inventions at the cutting edge of music, circus and dance have earned them international critical acclaim for over ten years. Creations such as «Gaff Aff», «Öper Öpis» or «Anatomie Anomalie» sparkle with humour, spectacular imagery and poetic ideas that reveal the absurd in everyday life. For their latest work «Chouf Ouchouf» the Zurich duo has taken on the challenge of staging the Moroccan Groupe acrobatique de Tanger.
- Nouveau Cirque
- Duration
60 mins
- Thanks
The performances are supported by the Secrétariat d‘organisation du XIIIe Sommet de la Francophonie ‒ Montreux 2010.