Zürcher Theater Spektakel

Stadt Zürich Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich Swiss RE ZKB - Zürcher Kantonalbank Tagesanzeiger

Mass & Fieber

Geld und Gott

A superhero comedy based on Dante

God has money, loads of money, and a yacht in the harbour of Gotham, this greedy, rotten town on the Mediterranean. The yacht is called Purgatoria and God’s first name is Otto. Will the Purgatoria, packed with Otto’s super-rich passengers, set sail for heaven or go straight to hell? «Geld und Gott» is Swiss company Mass & Fieber’s brand-new piece. They are, renowned for creating «multi-layered theatrical experiences that aim for the intelligent entertainment of the audience». This screwball comedy is just about everything that relates to contemporary society: risk-taking, money-making and economic crisis – as well, of course, the undying hope for salvation. (kdi)

  • Theatre, Premiere, Coproduction
  • Language


  • Duration

    2 hrs

Geld und Gott